How Music Artificial Intelligence Could Produce A Future Grammy Award Winner

How music Artificial intelligence could produce a future Grammy award winner

Musicians, software developers, and Producers, are thinking about the creation of the next generation hot pop artist- A machine.

The documentary streaming on the Disney Plus, Beatlemania is back, with the success of the Get Back of Peter Jackson. The Paul McCartney produced the eponymic song apparently nothing and the George Harrison stood nodding nearby is one of the audiovisual pleasures of 2021.

The feasibly most successful pop group in history, the Beatles, in the years from their prime days, numerous producers, songwriters, and artists, not to introduce the recording companies and presently the music streaming services, have struggled to regenerate the same music.

The brand-new tool for presenting ambiguous pop music gold is Artificial Intelligence.

Take a look at the horrifying “Deep Dream” of Google with thousands of dog eyes, or “Sunspring” a film which is written by AI that fed hundreds of scripts of Sci-fi.

It is not only the movie that has been influenced by machines but the music was also influenced by the latest songs written by AI which was designed to sound absolutely like Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana.

The use of AI in the creation of music is present today, yet its participation is small but it will grow likely. If you consider its logical conclusion, the inquiry appears like this- Is AI able to create a pop star and Grammy award winners?

The digital pop star-

It is easy to imagine that Artificial Intelligence will be utilized for the same proportion that the home recordings and samplings are done today.

However, the respectful computers have already authorized the musicians such as Billie Eilish Grammy-winning to record, sequence, and sample songs at home. As it’s cheaper than the recordings done at the studio which assists poor and struggling musicians and maximizes profits for the recordings of companies.

Artificial Intelligence can generate thoroughly new music from scratch with the help of apps that creates automated music and lyrics as a result that write the chords and the instrumentation.

Same as mobile phones and computers have homogenized the division and recording of music and its supporters say that AI creates the process of creation of music accessible for everybody. But according to its detractors, it also includes some unforeseen negative effects.

Whereas, in the TV show “Alter Ego” where human singers are digital embodiment to participate in a singing competition. Exactly from there, it can be clearly imagined about an artist who never exists physically at all.

Whereas, few pop- stars of AI have come -up in these years involving Lil Miquela and Yona, but both of them aren’t household names. Human artists are utilizing this AI tool for years, involving the band Yacht which has utilized them for creating an album.

AI has already existed among us-

‘Alysia’ and ‘Orb’ Composer are the software that authorizes users to produce style and feel based songs and are the future steps towards completely computer-generated pop music future.

A new tool ‘Amper’ presently owned by Shutterstock is another tool accessible for the growing musicians.

‘Drew Silverstein’, Co-founder and former CEO of Amper Music, said that the program he assisted to generate is not leaping than that of the existing systems, although they are not tagged as “AI”.

Silverstein said, “I mean to say, it earlier exists. I look after the “Garage Band”, there are auto drummers that can be organized already.”

He thinks, AI is a naturally emerged music-producing technology that appears scary and amazing, both simultaneously.

What will be the effect AI on the music industry?

Elon Musk and Steven Hawking identically have advised about Artificial Intelligence that, it is a “wide risk we highly meet as a civilization”. It is fact that the robots have a bad rap, appreciate to TV shows such as ‘Black Mirror”.

Many companies, even ‘Tesla’ of Elon Musk make use of AI. Whereas, Amazon and Google make use of the term ‘Machine Learning”. But the B-side of homogenization of AI with any latest technology is that it tends to defeat the existing condition for bad or good.

Whereas the recording companies are highly interested in the low-cost AI utilization and the stores of recordings pursue Vinyl-led renaissance, it’s the studio that is at most risk.

The Only constant is change-

50 years later, no artist has succeeded to reach the success like Beatles, and hence ‘pop stars’ still endure as an organization.

Due to the influence of the latest technology like sampling, streaming, and auto-tune, the music industry is continuously evolving. As Artificial Intelligence music has evolved and it will have an immense effect on music production.

Throughout history, every generation has been addressed, “that is not the way you produce music”. It was for McCartney, to write ‘Get Back’, so it is for the upcoming generation of the hitmakers.

They will make use of AI to unseal the brand-new latest sounds amazing and surprisingly unknown. And could say that one of them will confirm win a Grammy.

About Robbin Joseph

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