Covid-Swiss Vote On Ending Restrictions While Cases Rise

Covid-Swiss vote on ending restrictions while cases rise

Alain Berset, Health Minister of Swiss, is in a bit of bind.

The Swiss have very low rate of vaccination, with just under 2/3rd of the population vaccinated in Western Europe.

Presently, each week, there is exponentially rise in the covid-19 infection and number of cases growing by 40% to 50%.

However, health minister wants to implement new rules and restrictions, of making vaccination mandatory, just like Austria.

On Sunday, Switzerland altogether voted on getting rid from some covid-19 restrictions.

The Swiss government has performed a sensitive uniformity act, trying to control the spread and verse effect of covid-19. While Switzerland’s system of direct democracy, in which the government acquires formal power.

Whereas, the lockdown in Switzerland were never strict as all were following it strictly, peoples in Switzerland were authorized to go out for exercise at any time they want and even the schools were closed for few days.

In previous summer, with falling cases the Switzerland no longer have Freedom Day either.

Rather, as a proof of vaccination a covid certificate was launched. In September, vaccination certificate became compulsory to make entry in Bars, Cinema halls, Cafes, sports events, and museums.

The government was thinking these measures would inspire peoples to take vaccination. But instead, in Sunday’s referendum many peoples came over streets and gathered together challenging the covid certificate.

Prepare the Hospitals-

After the Sunday’s crucial voting, the health minister was expected not to introduce new restrictions for the fear of growing objection to certificate of covid-19.

During this growing bleak covid-19 winter, Mr. Berset along with his taskforce are assuring the infection control measures in Switzerland.

However, they believe, a vote for eliminating the certificate of covid-19 can be a huge problem, especially when the booster jabs are begun.

The government has suggested hospitals to expand their capacity of intensive care unit as this pandemic rise. The hospital staff pointed out that more beds won’t help when there is no enough staff to take care of the patients.

It predicted that 10% of Swiss nurses and staffs left their duties and profession from the pandemic started. The nurses said “We are working day and night without taking breaks, and doing extra shifts and overtime.

However, other European countries are facing the similar problem of health sector shortages, but the nurses of Swiss have the capacity to change this situation and demanding more investments along with good working conditions.

Voters of Swiss will decide on this topic on Sunday. The public opinion poll advised, now the focus of voters is on importance of their health staff in this pandemic, approximately 70% people may vote yes foe the demands of nurse staff.

On the topic of certificate of covid-19, things are bit difficult approximately 60% of voters are opposing to the certificate along with the restrictions.

The health minister will return back to the grim business, once the Sunday votes are counted. He might be thinking about the new rules and restrictions that might be necessary. Along with this he to count approx. CHF8 billion that is $6 billion for the nurse staff of Switzerland.

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